Cross-functional activities
Although being specilised in civil engineering, laboratory agents are involved in cross-functional activites necessary for its good working. Learn more about these activities and whom to contact.
Safety prevention
It is their responsibility to ensure the safety of the laboratory and agents at all times, particularly during experiments.
+33 (0)1 81 66 82 47Marne-la-ValléeQuality control correspondent
In charge of continuous improvement and compliance with regulations and standards.
Assistante Ingénieur (ITA)
+33 (0)1 81 66 83 26Marne-la-Vallée
Metrology correspondent
The role of the metrology correpondent is to oversee the management of equipments databases, ensuring there optimal functionality and issuing certificates for tools and instruments.
Optimu-GMM correspondent
The Optimu-GMM correspondent ensures that every measuring instrument used in the laboratory provides reliable measurements on which sound scientific reasoning can be based.
Scientific valorisation
Established strategy for disseminating and circulating research results through publications in journals and other topical, high-impact scientific content.
IT Correspondents
They are in charge of the good working of the IT softwares and hardware in the laboratory.
Directeur du laboratoire EMGCU
Marne-la-ValléeWEB/Communication correspondents
They are in charge of the content creation for social networks and the presence of the laboratory on the web.
Ingénieure d’études
+33 (0)1 81 66 81 20Marne-la-ValléeFranziskaSchmidt
Ingénieur-chercheur en ouvrages d’art – réduction de la vulnérabilité des ouvrages aux risques climatiques et aux actions évolutives